SBI Share Price Prediction 2023,2024,2030 💰

If you are searching for SBI share price predictions for the next two years, today we are doing a whole market analysis on the SBI share. Who can help us decide whether we should buy SBI stock or not? so be with us in whole article and know about biggest bank share price.

State Bank of India overview

State Bank of India, or SBI, is the largest bank in the nation and was established in 1995. Imperial Bank was the name of the bank when it initially founded; afterwards, it changed to SBI. Bank has gradually expanded, and the Indian government also runs this bank. all ruler bank are also part of this bank.

2017 to Till date SBI Share Price

SBI listed in National Stock Exchange on January 1st, 1999. (NSE). SBI’s share price was approximately 15.09 Indian rupees when it debuted on the stock market, and it afterwards grew slowly. However, over the course of almost 20 years, this share has become a life changing share for both initial investors and share holders. we can see the following chart who can explain everything to you about SBI share price.

SBI Share price
24 years journey of SBI in Indian Stock Market.

At present SBI price is 556.95 INR you can see the same in above chart.

SBI share price Target prediction for 2023

The price prediction for SBI after the result of deep analysis

2023 high750
2023 low520
SBI price prediction for 2023

our experts have done very deep analysis on the data. then they suggest this range. In starting of 2023, SBI share price was 619 INR and slowly decreased to todays price of 556 INR. now holding this level and started ascending.

SBI share price target for 2024

2024 high875
2024 low680
SBI share price prediction for 2024

According to above table we can see that upcoming time will be a good time for SBI investors and share 2024 will also positive for SBI investors.

SBI share price target for 2030

2030 high1275
2030 low1120
SBI share price prediction for 2030

SBI is a leading bank of India and having very clean record .if you can compare SBI to other banks that’s the main reason behind SBI very successful bank.

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According to our experts SBI is a evergreen stock to purchase but the time of purchase you should be know .if you are beginner in stock market so you have to must read our Why Investment is Need of time, how become a investor in 2023 full guide. after that you have an idea about share market.

Prediction For Long Term Investors.

If you are a long term investor and want to invest for 5 years and 10 years so SBI is the best option for you with low cost and reliability.

Why SBI share?

If you have any question about SBI share then please read this article thoroughly. then you understand yourself why SBI so reliable for of the best reason behind it PB ratio of SBI IS 1.52 x and the other is 0.95x that’s why SBI is if you are targeting SBI share for future then go for it, but entry time choose very wisely.

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Last 5 year SBI Share price Analysis

Year Share price Range
2022460 – 612 INR
2021279 – 460 INR
2020 333 – 279 INR(COVID TIME)
2019 294 – 333 INR
2018309-294 INR
Last 5 Year SBI Price analysis


In the whole article we have done deep analysis about SBI share final word about investment in SBI,if you want to become a good investor then start from SBI…

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